Women's Spiritual Mentoring Programme 2022 Banner

"Signing up for your one-year mentoring course is probably the wisest thing I've done in my whole life."

Sally Brockway - Author, Journalist, Blogger

An Invitation to be Part of a Powerful and Transformative 10-month Spiritual Mentoring Programme for Women


A 10-Month Online Programme, Including a 2-Night Residential Retreat

with Marion Young and Jan Collis

Do you sometimes find that you’ve lost focus, momentum, and the feeling of living your life from a higher perspective?

Would you love to find a way to feel more:

  • Connected to the source of your inner stillness and peace
  • Inspired and motivated
  • Emotionally stable and resourceful


  • Committed to living a life guided by Grace?


Whether you are seeking greater balance in your life, more harmonious relationships, a different career, more prosperity, better health and well-being, or other significant changes, the key is your connection to stillness and the source of everything.

Stop and be still… and what you are looking for will find you

Step into stillness with me for 10 months of spiritual deepening and transformation. I am supported on this programme by Jan Collis, and together we bring years of experience of facilitating stillness courses, retreats and mentoring programmes.

Imagine being part of small group of women (maximum of 10) dedicated to inspiring, empowering and celebrating each other as we commit to living a life guided by Grace.

This will be my 8th mentoring programme, and there is nothing in my experience to match the power and energy of a group with a shared intention over a long period of time. The power of a group with a collective intention and suffused by stillness is immense.

“If you have yet to be called an incorrigible, defiant woman; don’t worry, there is still time”

Clarissa Pinkola Estés

The Invitation

You will know if this is the programme for you by the way you feel. If you feel excited, inspired, and your heart is singing and you want to know more, then continue on below. I believe that groups like these are called together in consciousness and your Soul will let you know if this is for you.

“I have loved the mentoring programme, thank you! You and Jan hold such a beautiful space, setting a Gold standard of how to run programmes.”

2021 Participant

“If you are ready and willing to dive deep into the depths of your being to claim your divine feminine power and lead a life led by Grace, then know that this is the course for you.”

2018 Participant

“I can truly say that this was the year that I learnt to love my life for all that it is and all that it has been. I have really seen ‘my game’ like never before – and with that comes ability to make real change, to change from the inside.”

2015 Participant

“There are so many things I love about working with Marion, the attention to detail, the love of beauty, the ruthless commitment to truth and the absolute luxury of just indulging in effortlessness. And she follows the call of the Group and shifts gears when needs to, this is an incredible gift that inspires and deeply holds a group. A truly memorable and life changing experience.”

2018 Participant

“The mentoring programme helped me to stop and start to listen to the voice of my higher self who was always there but drowned out by my mind, and the busy-ness of my life. Marion and Jan brought us through the year with kindness, acceptance, warmth and humour. They are very much part of the group, sharing about their own journeys, while somehow keeping the course running smoothly.”

2021 Participant

“I want to know what sustains you from the inside when all else falls away. I want to know if you can be alone with yourself and if you truly like the company you keep in the empty moments.”

From ‘The Invitation’ by Oriah, Mountain Dreamer

As a participant you will receive:

  • Mentoring resource pack
  • A personal intention questionnaire to help you get clear on your ‘why’ for participating, and the outcomes you are longing for.
  • 8 x live online group mentoring days on Zoom (Saturdays)
  • 3 x 90-minute one-to-one sessions with Marion (online or in-person in Epsom, Surrey) at the beginning, middle and end of the programme
  • Mid-monthly audio only webinars (Wednesday evenings)
  • Monthly accountability email reviews
  • 2 x one-hour check-in calls with Jan, one in May and one in October
  • Your own personal 40-page workbook to guide you through the programme
  • Private members’ website page with audio meditations, articles and other resources
  • 2-night in-person residential retreat in a single occupancy room – 7th to 9th May 2024. The venue is in the Surrey Hills at the Wychcroft Retreat Center, Blecthingly, Surrey (20 minutes from Gatwick Airport and the M25) – full details below


  • Complimentary access to my other 2024 events; the Vision Retreat, One-day Online Retreats, and the Winter Meditation course.

The Programme

The programme is structured so that each month has a different theme, specially designed to meet the needs of our group. Everything will be steeped in meditative stillness, and each webinar and mentoring day will include meditation and a period of silence.

This approach provides a ‘container’ for each of our gatherings, allowing us to dive into the subject and explore it in the most supportive ways, always guided by Grace.

Themes will include:

  • Energy management
    How to be aware of and look after your own unique energetic needs, including grounding, cleansing, boundaries, energy bunching and tapping into the universal supply. Learning about the different cycles of energy, the importance of rest and action and the power of doing ‘nothing’ for honing your ability to tap into your calm center.
  • Emotional empowerment
    Learning how to navigate the challenges of daily life by befriending your emotions and tending to the treasures that can be found there.
  • Conscious awareness
    Refining and elevating your thoughts to increase your capacity to live in presence and awareness, and enhance your power to create the life you desire.
  • Genetic legacies
    How to uncover and break the cycles of repeating family beliefs and traumas.
  • Spiritual challenges
    Exploring subjects such as the dark night of the soul, bereavement, loss, & relationship breakdowns, and how to use these times for spiritual growth and enlightenment.
  • Love and compassion
    Increasing our capacity for love, compassion, harmony, joy and more… so together we can play our part in raising consciousness for the benefit of all.

Plus any other topics that arise from our collective intention and the needs of our group.

“Today I am taking a day off… as quiet as a feather. I hardly move though really I am travelling a terrific distance. Stillness. One of the doors into the temple.”

Mary Oliver

“This mentoring programme is truly life changing. Marion has put together a process that works beautifully. I have been looking for freedom for 30 years and this year has uncovered it.”

2018 Participant

“You couldn’t find better, wiser, more compassionate companions that Marion and Jan, no matter where your journey is taking you. Their knowledge and experience combined with an amazing connection to stillness to safely support you to be where you need to be.”

2021 Participant

“Thank you for an extraordinarily powerful and life changing experience. I have been on a lot of programmes and nothing has had as much impact as this one.”

2014 Participant

“Because it runs for so long, the learning soaks down into your daily life and gradually change comes about. I know that this year I have changed fundamentally, and I am excited about the rest of my life and all that it will bring.”

2021 Participant

“I’ve loved the power of the spiritual mentoring group. Working with group consciousness has allowed the healing and release to go so much deeper. I know that this is a real gift to myself and that I will still be reaping the rewards of this deep inner work for years to come.

And I’ve also loved the consistency. It just shows that it doesn’t take a huge amount of action; a small amount of action done consistently can reap fantastic rewards.”

2016 Participant

“Marion, I can’t thank you enough for so much, for you, your amazing knowledge, humility, honesty, calmness and Grace. Also for your wonderful, reassuring relaxing voice that stayed a steady constant through my ups and downs. I have so many tools now that I know will help me live my best life, all I have to do is use them! “

2021 Participant

How the programme works

  • Your programme starts in March with a one-to-one focus session with me.
  • Our first online mentoring retreat day is on Saturday April 13th and then we all meet together in person in May 7th – 9th for our 2 night residential retreat.
  • This is followed by 7 more mentoring days, each with their own theme, followed by time for integration until the mid-month webinar, when we will check in and share our experiences. Then follows a week of integration, until an email review is submitted in preparation for the next mentoring day.
  • August is an opportunity for reflection and integrating, with a one-to-one session with me (but no group gathering).
  • The monthly mentoring retreat days start again in September, finishing in December with the final webinar and your closing one-to-one session with me.
  • Throughout the programme, you will have the option to be partnered with different members of the group (for set time periods) as ‘accountability buddies’, for mutual support and encouragement.
  • There are 2 additional check-in sessions with Jan, one in May and one in October.
  • Every participant will receive a printed and bound workbook and a beautiful journal for personal record and accountability.

Dates and timetable

March, August and December: One-to-one sessions with Marion – online on Zoom or in person (in Epsom, Surrey).

8 Mentoring days – Saturday 10am to 4pm. Online on Zoom, in meeting mode with cameras on.

April 13th
May 18th
June 15th
July 13th
September 7th
October 5th
November 9th
December 7th

8 evening webinars – Wednesday 7.30 to 9pm. Online on Zoom, in audio only mode.

April 24th
May 29th
June 26th
July 24th
September 18th
October 23rd
November 20th
December 18th

As well as the above, you have 2 one-to-one check in calls with Jan.


2-Night Residential Retreat

The Residential Retreat will be from 2.30pm Tuesday May 7th to 2.30 pm Thursday May 9th, at Wychcroft Retreat Centre, Bletchingley, Surrey UK. 3 miles from the M25, and 20 miles from Gatwick airport.

This wonderful retreat center has a deep and pervading presence of stillness. You will have your own room with lovely views of the grounds and countryside. The retreat will create an opportunity for us to get to know each other, as well as time to rest and steep in the wonderful stillness.

“Times of peace and stillness are very precious in a world of turmoil. Seek them, find them and remain in them.”

Eileen Caddy – Co-founder of The Findhorn Community

Please note:

This mentoring programme is not a therapy group, and not suitable for anyone with specific mental or emotional health needs.
The following requirements are essential:

  1. You will already have a spiritual practice of awareness and self-responsibility. Your practice may need refining, but you will already have the awareness of the value of self-enquiry and making conscious choices.
  2. You are very likely to have already been in therapy yourself and previously attended self-development courses and retreats.
  3. You have the commitment and time to participate fully in the programme. Although the main structure of the programme is not excessive (one mentoring day, one webinar and one email review each month), plus your one-to-one sessions and the residential retreat, there is an expectation that you will keep a regular meditation and reflection practice.
  4. You understand and commit to a confidentiality agreement, so we can all feel safe in the sacred space that we create together. Jan and I participate fully in the programme and we know from experience, that there are no observers!
  5. You are ready to say a resounding ‘YES’ to seeing everything as a sacred invitation to grow, evolve and live a life guided by Grace. And ready to receive all the extraordinary, wonderful benefits that come from living and being in this way.

“If you are even considering coming on this programme, then trust your intuition. I felt an inescapable pull to do it, which I couldn’t fully explain, and I am beyond glad I did.”

2021 Participant

“Marion holds a beautiful, sacred, soulful and deeply held space. Her structure, her rhythm and her guidance each step of the way, brings the Group deep into the transformative well of life. It is a highly supported, supportive and practical year.”

2018 Participant

“This has been a richly profound year. I joined this course to deepen my connection to Grace, to really get a sense of a Grace-led life and to look at my pattern of debt. I have received this and so much more; the stillness, the reflection, the willingness to take responsibility.”

2015 Participant

“The mentoring programme has changed my life, don’t ask me how it happened as it was so subtle I didn’t see it happen. I also have tools that I can use to continue my personal journey. Thank you so much.”

2018 Participant

“This programme has been life changing for me, enrolling was the best decision I have ever made. It was expertly structured to gently take you through a year of incredible spiritual and personal growth, self-discovery and constant realisations.

I know that what I learnt over the past year will continue to be invaluable to me in years to come. To say that your work has transformed my life would be an understatement.”

2015 Participant

“The programme has been amazing. I liked the consistency of it, with the regular calls and mentoring days. I feel I have reserves of inner peace I didn’t know existed. Actually, I didn’t anticipate quite how far I would come in just a year. I feel like a different person in many ways. Signing up to Marion’s mentoring programme is probably the wisest thing I have done in my whole life.”

2019 Participant

About your Facilitators

Marion Young

Marion Young Silent Retreat Facilitator and Women's Mentor
Marion has supported thousands of people on their emotional and spiritual journeys and has over three decades of experience as a therapist, mentor, group trainer and retreat facilitator.

Her great love is the power of stillness and silence as a container for self-enquiry and personal change and transformation. Through her personal and professional experiences, her life has been transformed in ways that she never would have thought possible. This process of discovery is never ending, and the desire to be more, rather than have more, continues to burn brightly within her.

This programme will be Marion’s 8th mentoring offering, and she will bring all this experience and expertise to this new programme.

You can read my full bio here.

Jan Collis

Jan Collis Silent Retreat facilitator
Jan is an integral part of Marion’s events and programmes and has over 15 years’ experience of supporting Marion and her participants on her events. Jan is also a Brandon Bays Journey and NLP Practitioner and a facilitator on Marion’s silent retreats.

Jan’s understanding and commitment to this work and how to distill the learnings in a very practical and authentic way shines through everything she offers to the group.

“The wild woman is not a religion but a practice, a knowing of the soul. Without her, women are without ears to hear soul talk or to register the chiming of their own inner rhythms. Without her, they forget why they are here, they hold on when they would best hold out.

Without her, they are silent when they are in fact on fire. She is their regulator, she is their soulful heart, the same as the human heart regulates the physical body.”

Clarissa Pinkola Estés


Dates, prices and programme details to be confirmed.

“The programme has really been a transformational and life changing experience for me, in some ways the changes have been subtle but at the same time extremely powerful. Marion holds such a beautiful and supportive space and brings a vast array of experience to the programme, knowing how and when to use that in the most beneficial way to most help individuals in the group. Through the programme I have deepened the connection with myself and have many tools to support me to live a life guided by my inner wisdom and the stillness within.”

2021 Participant

“I know I am forever changed (for the better!) and I will stay connected to both the amazing experience and to this exceptional community of the most wonderful, wise and magical women for the rest of my days.”

2021 Participant

“Thank you so much for our incredible journey together during this year long programme. Every time I settled into meditation and tuned into the Spirit and consciousness of our group I felt a huge supportive depth of stillness.

I am so grateful for this because I know that the many realisations I have experienced over the past year, which are informing and changing the way I live my life, have been facilitated by this stillness and consciousness.

I have never experienced anything as profound as this programme.it has exceeded my expectations in every way and I am simply in awe of the programme that evolved through you with Jan’s incredible love and support.”

2019 Participant

“When I joined this programme I had been on my own spiritual path for many years but I wanted to find something that I still felt was missing in myself. Marion’s magic works because she sees through your fears and she focuses her attention on the beauty of one’s individual divine light.

This programme is not for the faint hearted, it is for truth seekers and by that I mean it is for those willing to uncover whatever blocks they have, no matter what it takes, so that they can live connected to their divine inner wisdom and peace. Marion holds the vision of that connection in all her sessions with each and every participant on her programme.

She is a highly skilled deep meditation facilitator, and for someone that started this programme unable to meditate, she was able to get me to drop into a state of bliss within moments. She is by your side throughout this programme, and with her wealth of experience as a renowned practitioner, she dissolves all your fear until at the end of this time you emerge a totally different person.

For me personally, I was given back my true self. The one that was gifted, strong, confident, loving, and joyful, before life experiences made me wrongly believe that this part of me could be changed. I would encourage anyone who is drawn to this programme to listen to their inner wisdom and make a decision from that space. For me, this programme surpassed ALL expectations that I may have had.”

2019 Participant

“There is so much I want to say about the programme.

Your incredible skills as a facilitator and the truly deeply honoring way in which you hold space for people, and gently but firmly guide them through all that arises.

The fun and joy radiating from your emails, and the little delight in zoom, and grace and daily incidents.

Regular emails from you have been so encouraging, the group emails helping us all stay focused and gently encouraging us. The super advice and encouragement through the replies to the reviews.”

2018 Participant

“On this programme, I have seen my patterns of busy-mind and proving and striving for what they are – stories made of thought – and that I don’t need to create my identity from this place as who I am is not what I do. I can allow my mind to slow and sit in the space in between the words, and that is where the magic happens.

I have seen how mental dialogue with myself and the judgment that laps around the edges is really a judgment of myself and my “place” in the world. The more I am learning to be aware of it for what it is, the less that judging voice arises and I can simply choose love and joy and creation. I also now known that there is a discipline to this, and that is not the same as efforting but is the way of mastery, and also that it is ok to practice and ok to fall short as None of that says anything about who I really am or who anyone else is.

I have appreciated the group dynamics and how well I have connected, how much everyone else’s sharing has resonated with me and the insights that have given me. The 1:1 time and fabulous use of the cabin has also been very deep and very special.”

2018 Participant

“Marion is a master at holding space gracefully, she seems to know what we each need at any time. She is generous too – it is quite humbling to be part of. Although it was difficult for me to find the investment, I am so, so glad I did. It has led me to finding my true self and that has no price. THANK YOU.”

2018 Participant

“I am so grateful to Marion for this course. I have felt held by her through the ups and downs of my life and through her found the deeper meaning to it all and have been able to clear the thoughts and beliefs that were holding me out of alignment with my truth. I have loved a structure to my spiritual practice and the many different tools that have been offered.”

2016 Participant

“I wanted to say how grateful I am after all your teaching and mentoring through the years, that have enabled me to come to a place of contentment and understanding that I had longed for.”

2015 Participant

“I have loved, loved the stillness and silence that this course has inspired in me. Marion has “held” the space so gracefully and I am deeply grateful for the profound changes that this has inspired in me.

Thank you dear Marion, I really feel that my life begins here…”

2015 Participant

“Dare to declare who you are.”

Hildegard of Bingen